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Finding Alice (2018)

Movies Detail of Finding Alice (2018)

✓ Title : Finding Alice
✓ Release Date : December 1st, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Directors : Pablo Fernandez, Sanne Bornesten, Amanda Marlon, Niklas Kristiansen
✓ Writer : Pablo Fernandez
✓ Companies : LAITHAUS, Ljud & Bildmedia
✓ Cast : John La Briola, Minna Nordström, Björn Lundqvist, Carolyn Siegel, Ellen Helinder, Lina Hall, Jeanett Espedal, Alicia Papari, Joel Ström, Emma Melkersson

Synopsis of Finding Alice (2018)

Erin escapes from a brothel. Desperate for money she cheats her way into a job at a nursing home but ends up stealing cash and going on the run, kidnapping one of the patients in the process. But Erin's frantic escape gradually turns into an inspirational and revealing road trip due to the unconventional relationship which develops between her and her kidnap victim; an seventy-year-old man.

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Well, Finding Alice (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Finding Alice (2018) itselft directed by Pablo Fernandez, Sanne Bornesten, Amanda Marlon, Niklas Kristiansen and Starring by John La Briola, Minna Nordström, Björn Lundqvist, Carolyn Siegel, Ellen Helinder, Lina Hall, Jeanett Espedal, Alicia Papari, Joel Ström, Emma Melkersson which made Finding Alice (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Finding Alice (2018)

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