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The Legend of the Christmas Witch (2018)

Movies Detail of The Legend of the Christmas Witch (2018)

✓ Title : The Legend of the Christmas Witch
✓ Original Title : La befana vien di notte
✓ Release Date : December 27th, 2018
✓ Genres : Comedy, Fantasy, Family
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Michele Soavi
✓ Writer : Nicola Guaglianone
✓ Companies : 3 Marys Entertainment, Lucky Red, Rai Cinema, Morena Films, Business Location Sudtirol Alto Adige, Regione Lazio
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Fausto Maria Sciarappa, Clòe Romagnoli, Giovanni Calcagno, Diego Delpiano, Paola Cortellesi, Francesco Mura, Luca Avagliano, Odette Adado, Stefano Fresi, Giuseppe Lo Piccolo

Synopsis of The Legend of the Christmas Witch (2018)

When six elementary school students suspect their missing teacher is Befana, a Christmas witch who delivers presents to good children, they set off on a magical journey to save her.

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Well, The Legend of the Christmas Witch (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Legend of the Christmas Witch (2018) itselft directed by Michele Soavi and Starring by Fausto Maria Sciarappa, Clòe Romagnoli, Giovanni Calcagno, Diego Delpiano, Paola Cortellesi, Francesco Mura, Luca Avagliano, Odette Adado, Stefano Fresi, Giuseppe Lo Piccolo which made The Legend of the Christmas Witch (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Legend of the Christmas Witch (2018)

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