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Empire Hotel (2018)

Movies Detail of Empire Hotel (2018)

✓ Title : Empire Hotel
✓ Original Title : Hotel Império
✓ Release Date : October 13th, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 82 minutes
✓ Directors : Ivo M. Ferreira, João Pinhão
✓ Writers : Ivo M. Ferreira, Edgar Medina
✓ Company : O Som e a Fúria
✓ Countries : China, Macao, Portugal
✓ Cast : Margarida Vila-Nova, Cândido Ferreira, Kwok-Leung Gan, Jess Mendoza, Rhydian Vaughan, Florence Cheong, Alberto Francisco, Eliz Lao, Tiago Aldeia

Synopsis of Empire Hotel (2018)

The Empire Hotel is a 30-year-old landmark in Macau's old quarter, inhabited by characters with their own stories and struggles. It is also Maria's home. One day, the burden of keeping lives together and the hotel standing falls on her shoulders. A young man who left Macau two decades ago returns, intent on revenge and reclaiming his mother's fortune – half the hotel. Inside the casino, Maria sings Fado and exotic dancers perform. It is against this illusory backdrop that the man lays eyes on Maria for the first time; they’re both mesmerized. The film cuts back and forth between film noir-style scenes of Macau’s past and present.

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Well, Empire Hotel (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Empire Hotel (2018) itselft directed by Ivo M. Ferreira, João Pinhão and Starring by Margarida Vila-Nova, Cândido Ferreira, Kwok-Leung Gan, Jess Mendoza, Rhydian Vaughan, Florence Cheong, Alberto Francisco, Eliz Lao, Tiago Aldeia which made Empire Hotel (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Empire Hotel (2018)

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