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Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair (2006)

Movies Detail of Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair (2006)

✓ Title : Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair
✓ Original Title : Grounding: Die letzten Tage der Swissair
✓ Release Date : January 19th, 2006
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Director : Michael Steiner
✓ Writers : Michael Sauter, Tobias Fueter, Michael Steiner, Jürg Brändli, René Lüchinger
✓ Company : C-Films
✓ Country : Switzerland
✓ Cast : Pasquale Aleardi, Rainer Guldener, Katharina von Bock, Gilles Tschudi, Hanspeter Müller, Michael Neuenschwander, Hans Heinz Moser, Helmut Förnbacher, László I. Kish, Matthias Mölleney

Synopsis of Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair (2006)

The demise of airline Swissair in 2001 was a huge blow to Switzerland's economy and to the country's morale. It was a sad day for Swiss history when the airline's fleet was grounded on 2 October 2001. "Grounding" is set during the last days of the doomed airline, and tells the story of manager Mario A. Corti's unhappy fate, the last, unlucky CEO at the traditional airline company, as well as of all those nameless people who lost almost everything in the maelstrom of Swissair's downfall: their job, home and their belief in Switzerland.

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Well, Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair (2006) itselft directed by Michael Steiner and Starring by Pasquale Aleardi, Rainer Guldener, Katharina von Bock, Gilles Tschudi, Hanspeter Müller, Michael Neuenschwander, Hans Heinz Moser, Helmut Förnbacher, László I. Kish, Matthias Mölleney which made Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Grounding: The Last Days of Swissair (2006)

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