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Hataw tatay hataw (1994)

Movies Detail of Hataw tatay hataw (1994)

✓ Title : Hataw tatay hataw
✓ Release Date : February 3rd, 1994
✓ Runtime : 117 minutes
✓ Director : Efren Jarlego
✓ Cast : Babalu, Dolphy, Sheryl Cruz, Nanette Medved, Vandolph, Paquito Diaz, Zoren Legaspi, Subas Herrero, Palito

Synopsis of Hataw tatay hataw (1994)

Tells the story of a middle-aged bellboy whose long-lost daughter returns from the U.S. to visit her father who disguises himself as the hotel owner to impress her. Along for the ride is hotel coworker Carol and the bellboy's adopted son Boyet. There is a running gag involving a wheelchair bound customer who keeps getting in accidents with the bellboy and his coworkers.

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Well, Hataw tatay hataw (1994) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hataw tatay hataw (1994) itselft directed by Efren Jarlego and Starring by Babalu, Dolphy, Sheryl Cruz, Nanette Medved, Vandolph, Paquito Diaz, Zoren Legaspi, Subas Herrero, Palito which made Hataw tatay hataw (1994) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hataw tatay hataw (1994)

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