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Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge (2001)

Movies Detail of Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge (2001)

✓ Title : Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge
✓ Release Date : October 25th, 2001
✓ Genres : Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction, Family
✓ Runtime : 80 minutes
✓ Directors : Gerhard Hahn, Anthony Power
✓ Countries : Germany, South Korea
✓ Cast : Kim Hasper, Ilona Schulz, Helmut Krauss, Nena, David Turba

Synopsis of Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge (2001)

The Pirates Of Tortuga :Under The Black Flag Set sail with three young boys on an adventure where time travel, gold treasure and battling villainous pirates are all in a day’s work! On a trip to the city museum, three young boys, Alex, Max and Califax discover a golden bowl — part of a legendary Aztec treasure.

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Well, Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge (2001) itselft directed by Gerhard Hahn, Anthony Power and Starring by Kim Hasper, Ilona Schulz, Helmut Krauss, Nena, David Turba which made Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Die Abrafaxe - Unter schwarzer Flagge (2001)

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