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Children of the Night (1991)

Movies Detail of Children of the Night (1991)

✓ Title : Children of the Night
✓ Release Date : September 6th, 1991
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Director : Tony Randel
✓ Writers : Tony Randel, Nicolas Falacci, Nicolas Falacci, William Hopkins, Christopher Webster
✓ Companies : Columbia Pictures Corporation, Fangoria Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : David Sawyer, Shirley Spiegler Jacobs, Josette DiCarlo, Roger Perkovich, Garrett Morris, Evan MacKenzie, Peter DeLuise, Karen Black, Maya McLaughlin, Ami Dolenz

Synopsis of Children of the Night (1991)

Cindy and Lucy are eighteen and going away to college. As a ritual they must rid themselves of the dirt of their small home town (Allburg) by swimming in an abandoned church crypt. They jump in and begin talking about sex when Lucys crucifix falls into the water and drifts down to land on Czakyr's (an ancient vampire) head, apparently waking him up. Some time onwards a school teacher from a nearby town, Mark, gets directed to Allburg to help Lucy and her grandmother, who are suspected to be in trouble. Lucy becomes the target of a town turned vampire because of her 'virgin blood'. Mark, Lucy and an old wino shack up in an abandoned building outside of town but eventually get lured back to Allburg by the locals. There, with a giant glowing cross spearing the front of their Toyota, they take the town on and battle Czakyr.

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Well, Children of the Night (1991) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Children of the Night (1991) itselft directed by Tony Randel and Starring by David Sawyer, Shirley Spiegler Jacobs, Josette DiCarlo, Roger Perkovich, Garrett Morris, Evan MacKenzie, Peter DeLuise, Karen Black, Maya McLaughlin, Ami Dolenz which made Children of the Night (1991) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Children of the Night (1991)

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