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Evergreen (1970)

Movies Detail of Evergreen (1970)

✓ Title : Evergreen
✓ Release Date : Unknown
✓ Director : Paul Goodman
✓ Writer : Paul Goodman
✓ Cast : Hannah Leigh, Scott Keiji Takeda, Maggie Egan, Josh Reynolds, Annika Foster

Synopsis of Evergreen (1970)

On his way up north to visit friends, BEN picks up a mutual acquaintance, SAM, from her apartment in the city. Instead of taking the Interstate, they both agree for the longer but more scenic coastal highway, exploring and developing a companionship. Upon reaching San Francisco later that evening, the two decide to divorce destination from conclusion and get back in their car to find out just how far the Pacific Coast Highway will take them. Along the route they wind through weathered towns, giant forests, state lines and the realization that the farther they go, the closer they become and those forces that kept them looking back are being left far behind.

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Well, Evergreen (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Evergreen (1970) itselft directed by Paul Goodman and Starring by Hannah Leigh, Scott Keiji Takeda, Maggie Egan, Josh Reynolds, Annika Foster which made Evergreen (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Evergreen (1970)

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