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Bikini Inception (2015)

Movies Detail of Bikini Inception (2015)

✓ Title : Bikini Inception
✓ Release Date : May 19th, 2015
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 106 minutes
✓ Director : John Sjogren
✓ Writer : John Sjogren
✓ Company : Luck Films
✓ Cast : Michael Madsen, Patrice Costleigh, Shelly Desai, Joe Estevez, Paizley Bishop, Ana Flavia Gavlak, Larry Romano, Alena Savostikova, Shea Davis, Taylor Conzelman

Synopsis of Bikini Inception (2015)

Two flunky Janitors in an Arctic Lab perform unauthorized experiments transporting them to a beach dream world in Malibu California w/50 beautiful young girls and a female Brazilian PhD Student wearing only a bra and panties. A '67 Muscle car races chases horses guns fights surfing, sumo wrestler, wolf monster, underwater scenes tons of gorgeous models. Sexy sci-fi fun.

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Well, Bikini Inception (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bikini Inception (2015) itselft directed by John Sjogren and Starring by Michael Madsen, Patrice Costleigh, Shelly Desai, Joe Estevez, Paizley Bishop, Ana Flavia Gavlak, Larry Romano, Alena Savostikova, Shea Davis, Taylor Conzelman which made Bikini Inception (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bikini Inception (2015)

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