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The Clones of Bruce Lee (1981)

Movies Detail of The Clones of Bruce Lee (1981)

✓ Title : The Clones of Bruce Lee
✓ Original Title : 神威三猛龍
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1981
✓ Genres : Science Fiction, Action
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Directors : Godfrey Ho, Joseph Kong Hung, Nam Gi-nam
✓ Writer : Joseph Kong Hung
✓ Company : Filmline Enterprises
✓ Country : Hong Kong
✓ Cast : Chiang Tao, Leung Siu-Wah, Bruce Lai, Alexander Grand, Jon T. Benn, Bolo Yeung, Bruce Le, Dragon Lee, Chow Kong, San Kuai

Synopsis of The Clones of Bruce Lee (1981)

Bruce Lee has just died, but the BSI is swinging into action to salvage the situation. Aided by the brilliant Professor Lucas, cells from the martial arts master's body are removed and grown into three adult Bruce Lee clones. After undergoing training to bring their skills up to the level of their 'father', the three are sent out to battle crime, with one sent to take on a gold smuggler, and the other two teaming up to shut down an evil mad scientist.

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Well, The Clones of Bruce Lee (1981) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Clones of Bruce Lee (1981) itselft directed by Godfrey Ho, Joseph Kong Hung, Nam Gi-nam and Starring by Chiang Tao, Leung Siu-Wah, Bruce Lai, Alexander Grand, Jon T. Benn, Bolo Yeung, Bruce Le, Dragon Lee, Chow Kong, San Kuai which made The Clones of Bruce Lee (1981) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Clones of Bruce Lee (1981)

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