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The Third Bank of the River (1993)

Movies Detail of The Third Bank of the River (1993)

✓ Title : The Third Bank of the River
✓ Original Title : A Terceira Margem do Rio
✓ Release Date : August 20th, 1993
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 99 minutes
✓ Director : Nelson Pereira dos Santos
✓ Writers : Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Guimarães Rosa
✓ Company : Regina Filmes
✓ Countries : Brazil, France
✓ Cast : Andrade Jr., Ilya São Paulo, Renato Matos, Maria Ribeiro, Ana Maria Nascimento e Silva, Sonjia Saurin, Gilson Moura, Affonso Brazza, Jofre Soares, Vanja Orico

Synopsis of The Third Bank of the River (1993)

After an extended period directing original screenplays, dos Santos returned to the creative engagement with literature that was the wellspring of his early masterpieces, offering a combinatory adaptation of five stories by the renowned Brazilian novelist João Guimarães Rosa. Openly embracing a mode of magical realism, dos Santos' celebrated film tells the story of a farming family defined by the absence of its father who abruptly abandoned his wife and children, sailing away down the river, including his son who continues to communicate with his father, speaking daily to him from the river bank. While offering an evocative vision of rural Brazil as a timeless land of mystery and solemnity, The Third Bank of the River is also bitingly satiric in the remarkable depiction of religious belief when the family moves to the city and its youngest member, a mesmerizing little girl, is revealed to be a kind of saint, capable of miraculous acts. -Harvard Film Archive

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Well, The Third Bank of the River (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Third Bank of the River (1993) itselft directed by Nelson Pereira dos Santos and Starring by Andrade Jr., Ilya São Paulo, Renato Matos, Maria Ribeiro, Ana Maria Nascimento e Silva, Sonjia Saurin, Gilson Moura, Affonso Brazza, Jofre Soares, Vanja Orico which made The Third Bank of the River (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Third Bank of the River (1993)

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