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Dans les villes (2006)

Movies Detail of Dans les villes (2006)

✓ Title : Dans les villes
✓ Release Date : September 12th, 2006
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Catherine Martin
✓ Country : Canada
✓ Cast : Ève Duranceau, Hélène Florent, Robert Lepage, Hélène Loiselle

Synopsis of Dans les villes (2006)

Four strangers are wandering through town. Fanny, a young woman who takes care of trees, will cross paths with three people along her way and offer them her help: Jean-Luc is blind, Joséphine has reached the end of her life, and Carole is suicidal.

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Well, Dans les villes (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dans les villes (2006) itselft directed by Catherine Martin and Starring by Ève Duranceau, Hélène Florent, Robert Lepage, Hélène Loiselle which made Dans les villes (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dans les villes (2006)

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