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Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005)

Movies Detail of Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005)

✓ Title : Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove
✓ Release Date : October 4th, 2005
✓ Genres : Horror, Science Fiction
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : William Winckler
✓ Writer : William Winckler
✓ Company : William Winckler Productions
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Lawrence Furbish, Mimma Mariucci, William Winckler, Alison Lees-Taylor, G. Larry Butler, Rich Knight, Gary Canavello, Dezzirae Ascalon, George Lindsey Jr., Corey Marshall

Synopsis of Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005)

Near an isolated beach on California's coast, a sinister plan is underway in a laboratory of horror. Three renegade scientists have resurrected the Frankenstein Monster. . . legendary indestructible dead man come to life. . . and they have also created a biogentically engineered half-man, half fish abomination. . . to use as secret weapons in the fight against terrorists worldwide. However, disaster strikes when the terrifying monsters chemical brainwashing fails and the entire plan goes to hell! Instead of stopping terror, these invincible monsters spread terror! The first victims. . . young people on a glamour photo shoot are attacked by the amphibious beast of evil! Rescued and held hostage by the scientists, the survivors must find a way to escape the madmen and the monsters!

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Well, Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005) itselft directed by William Winckler and Starring by Lawrence Furbish, Mimma Mariucci, William Winckler, Alison Lees-Taylor, G. Larry Butler, Rich Knight, Gary Canavello, Dezzirae Ascalon, George Lindsey Jr., Corey Marshall which made Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Frankenstein vs. the Creature from Blood Cove (2005)

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