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Appointment in Bray (1971)

Movies Detail of Appointment in Bray (1971)

✓ Title : Appointment in Bray
✓ Original Title : Rendez-vous à Bray
✓ Release Date : December 22nd, 1971
✓ Genres : Drama, Music, War
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : André Delvaux
✓ Writers : André Delvaux, Julien Gracq
✓ Companies : Taurus Film, Ciné Mag Bodard, Parc Film, Studios Arthur Mathonet, Ciné Vog Films, Office de Radiodiffusion Télévision Française
✓ Countries : Belgium, France, Germany
✓ Cast : Boby Lapointe, Mathieu Carrière, Luce Garcia-Ville, Jean Bouise, Pierre Vernier, Anna Karina, Roger Van Hool, Martine Sarcey, Hugues Quester, Bulle Ogier

Synopsis of Appointment in Bray (1971)

In 1917, the First World War is raging. Julien is from Luxemburg, so instead of having to go to war he studies piano in Paris. One day his friend Jacques, also a musician and now a fighter pilot on the front, invites him to spend a few days in his family's empty house in Bray. The housekeeper, a beautiful but mute woman lets Julien in, but his friend is late and he is obliged to wait. In the meantime, he starts reminiscing of the pre-war days spent with his friend and Jacques' girlfriend Odile.

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Well, Appointment in Bray (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Appointment in Bray (1971) itselft directed by André Delvaux and Starring by Boby Lapointe, Mathieu Carrière, Luce Garcia-Ville, Jean Bouise, Pierre Vernier, Anna Karina, Roger Van Hool, Martine Sarcey, Hugues Quester, Bulle Ogier which made Appointment in Bray (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Appointment in Bray (1971)

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