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Swallows and Amazons (1974)

Movies Detail of Swallows and Amazons (1974)

✓ Title : Swallows and Amazons
✓ Release Date : June 1st, 1974
✓ Genres : Adventure, Family
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Directors : David Bracknell, Claude Whatham
✓ Writers : David Wood, Arthur Ransome
✓ Company : Theatre Projects Film Productions Ltd.
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Simon West, Suzanna Hamilton, Mike Pratt, Sophie Neville, Kit Seymour, Stephen Grendon, Lesley Bennett, Virginia McKenna, Brenda Bruce, Ronald Fraser

Synopsis of Swallows and Amazons (1974)

On holiday with their mother in the Lake District in 1929 four children are allowed to sail over to the nearby island in their boat Swallow and set up camp for a few days. They soon realise this has been the territory of two other girls who sail the Amazon, and the scene is set for serious rivalry.

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Well, Swallows and Amazons (1974) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Swallows and Amazons (1974) itselft directed by David Bracknell, Claude Whatham and Starring by Simon West, Suzanna Hamilton, Mike Pratt, Sophie Neville, Kit Seymour, Stephen Grendon, Lesley Bennett, Virginia McKenna, Brenda Bruce, Ronald Fraser which made Swallows and Amazons (1974) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Swallows and Amazons (1974)

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