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Mustang Sally's Horror House (2006)

Movies Detail of Mustang Sally's Horror House (2006)

✓ Title : Mustang Sally's Horror House
✓ Release Date : June 18th, 2006
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Iren Koster
✓ Writer : Iren Koster
✓ Cast : Erik Fellows, Lindsey Labrum, Phillip Troy Linger, Sonny Marler, Mark Parrish, Garrison Koch, Elizabeth Daily

Synopsis of Mustang Sally's Horror House (2006)

Looking for a little fun before resuming another grueling semester at college, six buddies visit Mustang Sally's whorehouse, where they expect the madam to introduce them to the girls of their dreams. As it turns out, however, the madam has more on her mind than passion, and the lads soon find themselves lured into a trap from which they may never escape in this campy horror treat starring Elizabeth Daily, Lindsey Labrum and Mark Parrish.

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Well, Mustang Sally's Horror House (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mustang Sally's Horror House (2006) itselft directed by Iren Koster and Starring by Erik Fellows, Lindsey Labrum, Phillip Troy Linger, Sonny Marler, Mark Parrish, Garrison Koch, Elizabeth Daily which made Mustang Sally's Horror House (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mustang Sally's Horror House (2006)

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