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The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers (1971)

Movies Detail of The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers (1971)

✓ Title : The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers
✓ Original Title : Die Sex-Abenteuer der drei Musketiere
✓ Release Date : February 16th, 1971
✓ Genres : Adventure, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 76 minutes
✓ Director : Erwin C. Dietrich
✓ Writer : Erwin C. Dietrich
✓ Company : Avco Produktion
✓ Countries : Germany, Switzerland
✓ Cast : Li Huber, Achim Hammer, Loni Grunwald, Rico Peter, Alfredo Codona, Peter Graf, Nadia Pilar, Yvonne Sollin, Ingrid Steeger, Raphael Britten

Synopsis of The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers (1971)

An "adults only" retelling of the legend of the Three Musketeers.

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Well, The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers (1971) itselft directed by Erwin C. Dietrich and Starring by Li Huber, Achim Hammer, Loni Grunwald, Rico Peter, Alfredo Codona, Peter Graf, Nadia Pilar, Yvonne Sollin, Ingrid Steeger, Raphael Britten which made The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Sex Adventures of the Three Musketeers (1971)

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