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The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure (2015)

Movies Detail of The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure (2015)

✓ Title : The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure
✓ Release Date : August 1st, 2015
✓ Genres : Adventure, Family, Fantasy
✓ Directors : Meredith Scott Lynn, Andrés Garretón
✓ Cast : Marlena Lerner, Maggie Wheeler, Natasha Garretón, Alizabeth Hamer, Alexis Beckley, Sofia Garretón, Meredith Scott Lynn

Synopsis of The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure (2015)

Emily, Selena and Jackie - known to their 50 thousand YouTube fans as The 3 Tails - finally bring their journey to the big screen. Their mermaid adventures have enchanted fans for more than five years, as the girls struggle to understand the meaning of their special gift, protecting their secret from the world. Even their parents don't know that they have the ability to transform into mermaids. In The 3 Tails: A Mermaid Adventure, their lives are threatened after a stranger learns of their abilities and kidnaps one of the girls in order to harness her DNA. During a perilous ocean rescue mission, they discover that mermaids are not the only endangered species in the sea.

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Well, The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure (2015) itselft directed by Meredith Scott Lynn, Andrés Garretón and Starring by Marlena Lerner, Maggie Wheeler, Natasha Garretón, Alizabeth Hamer, Alexis Beckley, Sofia Garretón, Meredith Scott Lynn which made The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The3Tails: A Mermaid Adventure (2015)

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