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Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady (2013)

Movies Detail of Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady (2013)

✓ Title : Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady
✓ Original Title : Väikelinna detektiivid ja valge daami saladus
✓ Release Date : December 20th, 2013
✓ Genres : Crime, Drama, Family
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : René Vilbre
✓ Writer : Mihkel Ulman
✓ Companies : Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR), BEC
✓ Country : Estonia
✓ Cast : Tambet Tuisk, Lembit Ulfsak, Hilje Murel, Märt Pius, Liisa Koppel, Jaan Rekkor, Mikk Kaasik, Mariann Vilbre, Miikael Ainla, Priit Võigemast

Synopsis of Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady (2013)

In a quiet resort town Haapsalu four kids are spending their summer holidays together. Suddenly they are dragged into events that started in the 15th century in the local bishop's stronghold. The children must solve a difficult mystery of a clock robbery and they have to find a treasure that has been lost for centuries and contains a formula of making gold.

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Well, Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady (2013) itselft directed by René Vilbre and Starring by Tambet Tuisk, Lembit Ulfsak, Hilje Murel, Märt Pius, Liisa Koppel, Jaan Rekkor, Mikk Kaasik, Mariann Vilbre, Miikael Ainla, Priit Võigemast which made Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady (2013)

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