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Salt on the Skin (1984)

Movies Detail of Salt on the Skin (1984)

✓ Title : Salt on the Skin
✓ Original Title : Du sel sur la peau
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1984
✓ Genres : Drama, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Jean-Marie Degèsves
✓ Writer : Jean-Marie Degèsves
✓ Country : Belgium
✓ Cast : Liliane Becker, Catherine Frot, Harry Cleven, Michel Galabru, Michel Bawedin, Isabelle Glorie, Anne Clignet, Richard Bohringer, Yvette Merlin

Synopsis of Salt on the Skin (1984)

After a computer operator has been through a painful relationship, he is determined to look the other way every time any interesting woman enters his life. He has his other loves - photography and model planes - to challenge him anyway. However, one day a car breaks down in front of his house, and a young mother with her 10-year-old daughter come in looking for assistance. The daughter is endearing and would make a terrific subject for a photo contest. As both the young mother and the computer operator studiously ignore the flicker of romantic sparks, it is only a matter of time before the flame either grows or is extinguished.

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Well, Salt on the Skin (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Salt on the Skin (1984) itselft directed by Jean-Marie Degèsves and Starring by Liliane Becker, Catherine Frot, Harry Cleven, Michel Galabru, Michel Bawedin, Isabelle Glorie, Anne Clignet, Richard Bohringer, Yvette Merlin which made Salt on the Skin (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Salt on the Skin (1984)

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