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Stand (2014)

Movies Detail of Stand (2014)

✓ Title : Stand
✓ Release Date : June 20th, 2014
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Director : Jonathan Taïeb
✓ Cast : Yevgen Baranov, Tanya Baranova, Ekaterina Rusnak, Renat Shuteev, Andrey Kurganov, Daniel Baranov, Veronika Merkoulova, Nataliia Baranova, Ellen Slusarchi, Andrey Koshman

Synopsis of Stand (2014)

After taking a wrong turn in their car, a young gay Russian couple witnesses what they believe is a vicious gay bashing; their quandary over what to do about it propels them into ever more dangerous territory. For Anton, the burden of what they may have witnessed outweighs Vlad's fear of probing too deeply into the incident. When the police prove indifferent, Anton talks his skeptical lover into launching their own amateur investigation into the incident. Their risky search for the truth has unexpected - and grim - consequences in this suspenseful drama that comments on the ongoing mistreatment of LGBT people in Russia.

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Well, Stand (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Stand (2014) itselft directed by Jonathan Taïeb and Starring by Yevgen Baranov, Tanya Baranova, Ekaterina Rusnak, Renat Shuteev, Andrey Kurganov, Daniel Baranov, Veronika Merkoulova, Nataliia Baranova, Ellen Slusarchi, Andrey Koshman which made Stand (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Stand (2014)

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Film Stand Vf Streaming - A subgenre of thriller and crime fiction in which the major characters are lawyers and their employees. The system of justice itself is always a major part of these works, at times almost functioning as one of the characters. In this way, the legal system provides the framework for the legal thriller much as the system of modern police work does for the police procedural. Usually, crusading lawyers become involved in proving their cases (usually their clients innocence of the crime he is accused of, or the culpability of a corrupt corporation that has covered its malfeasance) to such an extent that they imperil their own interpersonal relationships and frequently, their own lives.

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