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The Wedding Day (2005)

Movies Detail of The Wedding Day (2005)

✓ Title : The Wedding Day
✓ Original Title : Un vrai bonheur, le film
✓ Release Date : July 13th, 2005
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Didier Caron
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Pierre-Jean Chérer, Valérie Baurens, Denis Chérer, Stéphane Boutet, Véronique Barrault

Synopsis of The Wedding Day (2005)

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Well, The Wedding Day (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Wedding Day (2005) itselft directed by Didier Caron and Starring by Pierre-Jean Chérer, Valérie Baurens, Denis Chérer, Stéphane Boutet, Véronique Barrault which made The Wedding Day (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Wedding Day (2005)

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