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Talk Radio (1988)

Movies Detail of Talk Radio (1988)

✓ Title : Talk Radio
✓ Release Date : December 21st, 1988
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Directors : Oliver Stone, Susan Malerstein
✓ Writers : Oliver Stone, Eric Bogosian, Eric Bogosian, Stephen Singular
✓ Companies : Ten-Four Productions, Cineplex-Odeon Films, Universal Pictures
✓ Countries : Canada, United States of America
✓ Cast : John C. McGinley, Allan Corduner, Anna Levine, Leslie Hope, John Pankow, Eric Bogosian, Alec Baldwin, Ellen Greene, Rockets Redglare, Michael Wincott

Synopsis of Talk Radio (1988)

A rude, contemptuous talk show host becomes overwhelmed by the hatred that surrounds his program just before it goes national.

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Well, Talk Radio (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Talk Radio (1988) itselft directed by Oliver Stone, Susan Malerstein and Starring by John C. McGinley, Allan Corduner, Anna Levine, Leslie Hope, John Pankow, Eric Bogosian, Alec Baldwin, Ellen Greene, Rockets Redglare, Michael Wincott which made Talk Radio (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Talk Radio (1988)

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