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Two hearts, a Chapel (1975)

Movies Detail of Two hearts, a Chapel (1975)

✓ Title : Two hearts, a Chapel
✓ Original Title : Due cuori, una cappella
✓ Release Date : October 2nd, 1975
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Maurizio Lucidi
✓ Writers : Nicola Badalucco, Nicola Badalucco
✓ Company : Mars Films
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Renato Pozzetto, Leopoldo Trieste, Mario Brega, Aldo Maccione, Alessandra Vazzoler, Renato Pinciroli, Pia Morra, Agostina Belli, Franca Scagnetti, Giusi Raspani Dandolo

Synopsis of Two hearts, a Chapel (1975)

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Well, Two hearts, a Chapel (1975) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Two hearts, a Chapel (1975) itselft directed by Maurizio Lucidi and Starring by Renato Pozzetto, Leopoldo Trieste, Mario Brega, Aldo Maccione, Alessandra Vazzoler, Renato Pinciroli, Pia Morra, Agostina Belli, Franca Scagnetti, Giusi Raspani Dandolo which made Two hearts, a Chapel (1975) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Two hearts, a Chapel (1975)

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