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Siska Deluxe (2015)

Movies Detail of Siska Deluxe (2015)

✓ Title : Siska Deluxe
✓ Original Title : Šiška Deluxe
✓ Release Date : October 27th, 2015
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 108 minutes
✓ Directors : Jan Cvitkovič, Igor Godina, Milan Urbajs
✓ Writers : Jan Cvitkovič, Jure Černec
✓ Companies : PERFO Production, Evolution Films, Kino Oko, Spoon, Studio Beep
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, Macedonia, Slovenia
✓ Cast : David Furlan, Jana Prepeluh, Aleksandar Rusić, Marjuta Slamič, Žiga Födransperg, Tine Moljk, Marijana Brecelj, Gala Kovač Mljac, Marko Miladinovič, Petre Arsovski

Synopsis of Siska Deluxe (2015)

Three almost middle-aged men decide to open up a pizzeria in the neighbourhood of Šiška in Ljubljana.

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Well, Siska Deluxe (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Siska Deluxe (2015) itselft directed by Jan Cvitkovič, Igor Godina, Milan Urbajs and Starring by David Furlan, Jana Prepeluh, Aleksandar Rusić, Marjuta Slamič, Žiga Födransperg, Tine Moljk, Marijana Brecelj, Gala Kovač Mljac, Marko Miladinovič, Petre Arsovski which made Siska Deluxe (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Siska Deluxe (2015)

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