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Fracchia Against Dracula (1985)

Movies Detail of Fracchia Against Dracula (1985)

✓ Title : Fracchia Against Dracula
✓ Original Title : Fracchia contro Dracula
✓ Release Date : December 20th, 1985
✓ Genres : Comedy, Horror
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Director : Neri Parenti
✓ Writers : Franco Marotta, Laura Toscano
✓ Company : Faso Film
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Gigi Reder, Zuzana Martinková, Giuseppe Cederna, Paolo Villaggio, Federica Brion, Paul Müller, Edmund Purdom, Isabella Ferrari, Ania Pieroni, Romano Puppo

Synopsis of Fracchia Against Dracula (1985)

Fracchia is desperate: he has to sell a house within three days, or otherwise his boss will fire him. Mister Filini comes to him, but he asks the impossible, a house with at least five bathrooms for a few thousand dollars. Incredibly, they find a house, a castle in Transylvania which happens to be own by a count Vlad... Filini doesn't want to buy the castle without seeing it first, so the two of them travel to Transylvania, where they meet the count and his sister, who has a crush on Fracchia and decides to marry him! Meanwhile, the sister of a vampire hunter who was killed by Dracula is seeking to revenge her brother.

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Well, Fracchia Against Dracula (1985) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fracchia Against Dracula (1985) itselft directed by Neri Parenti and Starring by Gigi Reder, Zuzana Martinková, Giuseppe Cederna, Paolo Villaggio, Federica Brion, Paul Müller, Edmund Purdom, Isabella Ferrari, Ania Pieroni, Romano Puppo which made Fracchia Against Dracula (1985) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fracchia Against Dracula (1985)

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