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The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016)

Movies Detail of The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016)

✓ Title : The Train of Salt and Sugar
✓ Original Title : Comboio de Sal e Açucar
✓ Release Date : August 10th, 2016
✓ Genres : Adventure, Drama, War
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Licínio Azevedo
✓ Writers : Licínio Azevedo, Filipe Santos, Teresa Pereira
✓ Company : Ukbar Films
✓ Countries : Mozambique, France, Portugal, South Africa, Brazil
✓ Cast : Matamba Joaquim, Mário Valente, Thiago Justino, Celeste Baloi, Melanie de Vales Rafael, Absalão Maciel, Sabina Fonseca, Tonecas Xavier, Mário Mabjaia, Vítor Raposo

Synopsis of The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016)

In 1989, Mozambique is a country ruined by civil war. The train that connects Nampula to Malawi is the only hope for people willing to risk their lives to exchange a few bags of salt for sugar. Running slowly over sabotaged tracks, the journey is filled with obstacles and violence. Mariamu, a frequent traveler, shares her trip with her friend Rosa, a nurse who is going to her new hospital, living the reality of war for the first time, Lieutenant Taiar, who only knows the reality of his military life, and another soldier, Salomão, with whom he doesn’t get along. Amongst bullets and laughter, stories of love and war unfold as the train advances towards the next stop.

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Well, The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016) itselft directed by Licínio Azevedo and Starring by Matamba Joaquim, Mário Valente, Thiago Justino, Celeste Baloi, Melanie de Vales Rafael, Absalão Maciel, Sabina Fonseca, Tonecas Xavier, Mário Mabjaia, Vítor Raposo which made The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Train of Salt and Sugar (2016)

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