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The Man of the Year (2003)

Movies Detail of The Man of the Year (2003)

✓ Title : The Man of the Year
✓ Original Title : O Homem do Ano
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2003
✓ Genres : Drama, Crime
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Director : José Henrique Fonseca
✓ Writers : Rubem Fonseca, Patrícia Mello
✓ Companies : Conspiração Filmes, Estúdios Mega, MegaColor, Quanta Centro de Produções Cinematográficas
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : André Gonçalves, Natália Lage, André Barros, Murilo Benício, Wagner Moura, Jorge Dória, Lázaro Ramos, Paulo Moska, Perfeito Fortuna, Cláudia Abreu

Synopsis of The Man of the Year (2003)

Jobless and insecure to the point where he can't even face himself in the mirror, a terrified Máiquel enters a salon to have his hair died platinum blond after losing a soccer bet to a friend. His new look supplying an unexpected jolt of confidence, Máiquel asks Cledir, the salon employee who died his hair, to join him at the bar in celebration. Taunted by local bully Suel upon arrival at the bar, Máiquel decides to settle the matter by purchasing a rifle and shooting down the loudmouthed Suel in the presence of Suel's young girlfriend. Unexpectedly hailed as a hero by his neighbors and the police, Suel's girlfriend subsequently approaches Máiquel and claims that since he killed Suel, it is now Máiquel's responsibility to care for her. Simultaneously learning that Cledir is pregnant and anticipating a marriage proposal, Máiquel's newfound reputation soon catches up to him as the dubious requests of influential locals begin to take their toll on him.

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Well, The Man of the Year (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Man of the Year (2003) itselft directed by José Henrique Fonseca and Starring by André Gonçalves, Natália Lage, André Barros, Murilo Benício, Wagner Moura, Jorge Dória, Lázaro Ramos, Paulo Moska, Perfeito Fortuna, Cláudia Abreu which made The Man of the Year (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Man of the Year (2003)

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