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40 Days of Silence (2014)

Movies Detail of 40 Days of Silence (2014)

✓ Title : 40 Days of Silence
✓ Original Title : Chilla
✓ Release Date : February 7th, 2014
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Saodat Ismailova
✓ Writers : Saodat Ismailova, Saodat Ismailova, Ulughbek Sadikov
✓ Company : Rohfilm
✓ Countries : Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Netherlands, Germany, France
✓ Cast : Barohad Shukurova, Muhabbat Sattori, Saodat Rahminova, Sattor Saidov, Kurbon Sobir, Amina Nurmatova, Rushana Sadikova, Farida Olimova

Synopsis of 40 Days of Silence (2014)

This is a passage between two faces, each the same, yet different. Bibicha’s face first appears in the dark, her eyes open and expression impassive, only her heavy breathing betraying the strain she feels. She will withstand the strain and take the vow of silence, retreating to her grandmother’s house for the 40 days to pass. The house and the landscape outside at least offer Bibicha certain sensory distractions: the taste of honey, the texture of a wall, an eye-catching bedspread, the view out over a sea of cloud, water fizzling on the stove. But it is not just her under strain, as her aunt’s frantic text messaging, her grandmother’s rueful acknowledgement of the stories of marital strife on the radio and her little cousin’s illegitimate status bear witness to. Four generations of women in the complete absence of men, yet all marked by their presence, the similarity of their fates blurring together different times and customs.

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Well, 40 Days of Silence (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The 40 Days of Silence (2014) itselft directed by Saodat Ismailova and Starring by Barohad Shukurova, Muhabbat Sattori, Saodat Rahminova, Sattor Saidov, Kurbon Sobir, Amina Nurmatova, Rushana Sadikova, Farida Olimova which made 40 Days of Silence (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

40 Days of Silence (2014)

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