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Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975)

Movies Detail of Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975)

✓ Title : Forbidden at the Wedding Night
✓ Original Title : ممنوع في ليلة الدخلة
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1975
✓ Genres : Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
✓ Runtime : 112 minutes
✓ Director : Hasan El-Saifi
✓ Writer : Farouk Sabry
✓ Country : Egypt
✓ Cast : Sohair Ramzy, Mohamed Reda, George Sedhom, Adel Emam, Samir Ghanem, Tewfik El Dekn, Nabila El Sayed

Synopsis of Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975)

Zarifa objects the marriage of her daughter Mona from Tahsin, as she wants her married to a wealthy man, while Ashour, Mona's father, supports the marriage. Zarifa dies, and Ashour, Mona and Tahsin settle on a wedding date, only to see Zarifa's spirit appearing to them trying to spoil their plans.

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Well, Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975) itselft directed by Hasan El-Saifi and Starring by Sohair Ramzy, Mohamed Reda, George Sedhom, Adel Emam, Samir Ghanem, Tewfik El Dekn, Nabila El Sayed which made Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Forbidden at the Wedding Night (1975)

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