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Little Buddha (1993)

Movies Detail of Little Buddha (1993)

✓ Title : Little Buddha
✓ Release Date : December 1st, 1993
✓ Genres : Drama, History
✓ Runtime : 140 minutes
✓ Director : Bernardo Bertolucci
✓ Writer : Bernardo Bertolucci
✓ Company : Miramax
✓ Countries : France, Italy, Liechtenstein, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, Raju Lal, Chris Isaak, Ruocheng Ying, Bridget Fonda, Geshe Tsultim Gyelsen, Alex Wiesendanger, Greishma Makar Sing, Keanu Reeves, Sogyal Rinpoche

Synopsis of Little Buddha (1993)

After the death of Lama Dorje, Tibetan Buddhist monks find three children — one American and two Nepalese — who may be the rebirth of their great teacher.

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Well, Little Buddha (1993) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Little Buddha (1993) itselft directed by Bernardo Bertolucci and Starring by Khyongla Rato Rinpoche, Raju Lal, Chris Isaak, Ruocheng Ying, Bridget Fonda, Geshe Tsultim Gyelsen, Alex Wiesendanger, Greishma Makar Sing, Keanu Reeves, Sogyal Rinpoche which made Little Buddha (1993) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Little Buddha (1993)

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