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Kung Pow Charlie (2014)

Movies Detail of Kung Pow Charlie (2014)

✓ Title : Kung Pow Charlie
✓ Release Date : November 14th, 2014
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Kung Pow Charlie (2014)

Kung Pow Charlie Osborn (Paul Ohlman) is all talk and no action until he crosses paths with a reclusive goat farmer named Mr. Shutaki (Tony Cacaro) who is rumored to be a martial arts master. After receiving a beating for ridiculing a local squadron of deadly ninjas and losing his girlfriend Cindy (Tara Kiely) in the process, Charlie decides to seek out Shutaki in hopes of learning his closely guarded fighting techniques. Can Mr. Shutaki's unique brand of Kung fu training bring Charlie the revenge he so desperately craves, or will it only teach him more than he ever wanted to know about himself and the strange old hermit? Exploding with action and epic fight sequences, Kung Pow Charlie is a pure blast of adrenaline and laughs sprinkled with a heavy dose of insanity....... martial arts style!

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Kung Pow Charlie (2014)

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