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Stopped on Track (2011)

Movies Detail of Stopped on Track (2011)

✓ Title : Stopped on Track
✓ Original Title : Halt auf freier Strecke
✓ Release Date : December 19th, 2011
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 110 minutes
✓ Director : Andreas Dresen
✓ Writers : Andreas Dresen, Cooky Ziesche
✓ Companies : Peter Rommel Productions, Rommel Film, Iskremas Filmproduktion, ARTE, RBB
✓ Countries : Germany, France
✓ Cast : Marie Rosa Tietjen, Steffi Kühnert, Bernhard Schütz, Inka Friedrich, Otto Mellies, Christine Schorn, Mika Seidel, Milan Peschel, Ursula Werner, Talisa Lilly Lemke

Synopsis of Stopped on Track (2011)

Frank and Simone have fulfilled a dream and live with their two children in a row house in the suburbs. They are a happy couple, until the day Frank is diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. The family is suddenly confronted with death.

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Well, Stopped on Track (2011) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Stopped on Track (2011) itselft directed by Andreas Dresen and Starring by Marie Rosa Tietjen, Steffi Kühnert, Bernhard Schütz, Inka Friedrich, Otto Mellies, Christine Schorn, Mika Seidel, Milan Peschel, Ursula Werner, Talisa Lilly Lemke which made Stopped on Track (2011) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Stopped on Track (2011)

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