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Kjære Maren (1976)

Movies Detail of Kjære Maren (1976)

✓ Title : Kjære Maren
✓ Release Date : February 19th, 1976
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Jan Erik Düring
✓ Writer : Oskar Braaten
✓ Cast : Inger Lise Rypdal, Astrid Sommer, Karin Helene Haugen, Astrid Folstad, Nils Ole Oftebro, Gisle Straume

Synopsis of Kjære Maren (1976)

Set in Rodeløkka of Kristiania eastside around the year 1900 and is a rough sketch of how it was to be young and unmarried working girl at the time.

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Well, Kjære Maren (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Kjære Maren (1976) itselft directed by Jan Erik Düring and Starring by Inger Lise Rypdal, Astrid Sommer, Karin Helene Haugen, Astrid Folstad, Nils Ole Oftebro, Gisle Straume which made Kjære Maren (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Kjære Maren (1976)

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