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Bless the Beasts & Children (1971)

Movies Detail of Bless the Beasts & Children (1971)

✓ Title : Bless the Beasts & Children
✓ Release Date : October 18th, 1971
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 109 minutes
✓ Director : Stanley Kramer
✓ Writers : Glendon Swarthout, Mac Benoff
✓ Company : Stanley Kramer Productions
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Marc Vahanian, Barry Robins, David Ketchum, Bob Kramer, Darel Glaser, Jesse White, Bill Mumy, Ken Swofford, Miles Chapin, Elaine Devry

Synopsis of Bless the Beasts & Children (1971)

Six children at a summer camp embark on a mission to save a buffalo herd from slaughter.

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Well, Bless the Beasts & Children (1971) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bless the Beasts & Children (1971) itselft directed by Stanley Kramer and Starring by Marc Vahanian, Barry Robins, David Ketchum, Bob Kramer, Darel Glaser, Jesse White, Bill Mumy, Ken Swofford, Miles Chapin, Elaine Devry which made Bless the Beasts & Children (1971) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bless the Beasts & Children (1971)

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