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The Magnificent Eleven (2013)

Movies Detail of The Magnificent Eleven (2013)

✓ Title : The Magnificent Eleven
✓ Release Date : March 8th, 2013
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 87 minutes
✓ Director : Jeremy Wooding
✓ Cast : Robert Vaughn, Irvine Welsh, Danny Midwinter, Kevin Howarth, Nina Young, Phillip Rhys, Tanya Franks, Jenna Harrison, Sean Pertwee, Joe Egan

Synopsis of The Magnificent Eleven (2013)

A modernization of the classic western in which the Cowboys are a struggling local amateur soccer team, the Indians run a nearby Tandoori restaurant and the bandits are a group of menacing thugs led by a maniac known simply as 'American Bob'.

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Well, The Magnificent Eleven (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Magnificent Eleven (2013) itselft directed by Jeremy Wooding and Starring by Robert Vaughn, Irvine Welsh, Danny Midwinter, Kevin Howarth, Nina Young, Phillip Rhys, Tanya Franks, Jenna Harrison, Sean Pertwee, Joe Egan which made The Magnificent Eleven (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Magnificent Eleven (2013)

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