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Fatboy Slim - Big Beach Bootique 5 (2012)

Movies Detail of Fatboy Slim - Big Beach Bootique 5 (2012)

✓ Title : Fatboy Slim - Big Beach Bootique 5
✓ Release Date : November 20th, 2012
✓ Runtime : 137 minutes
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Norman Cook

Synopsis of Fatboy Slim - Big Beach Bootique 5 (2012)

It's been quite a year for Norman Cook, aka Fatboy Slim. Having entertained billions worldwide at the Olympics closing ceremony, Fatboy Slim took the party global once more with the screening of "Fatboy Slim Live: At The Beach Beach Bootique" at over 800 cinemas worldwide. After performing to over 40,000 fans at the Big Beach Bootique 5, fans will be able to continue the party at home with the "Fatboy Slim: Big Beach Bootique 5" DVD/CD. Filmed at a favourite venue of Norman's, (the Amex football stadium in Brighton), his most ambitious show yet features the largest ever built, 600 square metre LED video wall (lengthways alongside the pitch), spectacular laser and light effects, thrilling pyrotechnics and dazzling visuals. The set includes Fatboy Slim's latest material and of course his biggest hits, along with huge tracks from Calvin Harris, Armand van Helden and Knife Party all recorded in Dolby 5.1 surround sound.

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Fatboy Slim - Big Beach Bootique 5 (2012)

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