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Nostalgia (1998)

Movies Detail of Nostalgia (1998)

✓ Title : Nostalgia
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1998
✓ Runtime : 58 minutes
✓ Directors : Ineke Smits, Tato Kotetishvili
✓ Writer : Tato Kotetishvili
✓ Cast : Kote Kubaneishvili

Synopsis of Nostalgia (1998)

"Two years ago [c. 1997], Tato Kotetishvili went to Georgia, his birthplace, where he hadn't been for ten years. After he had come to Holland and found a partner in Rotterdam, the civil war started in Georgia so he was unable to return home. The reason to go home now was a video tape of his wedding, where many Georgian relatives, friends and acquaintances were gathered together. Kotetishvili wanted to know what had panned [sic] to them, how his family had come through the war.The result of this journey was Nostalgia, a personal documentary that shows in an associative style the effects of the civil war on the lives and mutual contacts of Kotetishvili's family. Kotetishvili found out that life in Georgia had changed; what he hoped to find was gone, had changed or become grounds for conflict. He felt an outsider in his own country. The Georgia he knew was only a memory.Kotetishvili died suddenly just after returning to Holland. His partner Ineke Smits completed Nostalgia."

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Well, Nostalgia (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Nostalgia (1998) itselft directed by Ineke Smits, Tato Kotetishvili and Starring by Kote Kubaneishvili which made Nostalgia (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Nostalgia (1998)

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