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Garden Tool Massacre (1998)

Movies Detail of Garden Tool Massacre (1998)

✓ Title : Garden Tool Massacre
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1998
✓ Runtime : 70 minutes
✓ Director : David Hinds
✓ Cast : Peter James Hicken, Steven Garbett, Richard Boulton, Tammy Dennis

Synopsis of Garden Tool Massacre (1998)

Psychopath Charles Scavolini escapes the mental institution and returns to his home. Now occupied by a gang of partying teenagers, Scavolini takes back his property with brutal blood lust.

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Well, Garden Tool Massacre (1998) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Garden Tool Massacre (1998) itselft directed by David Hinds and Starring by Peter James Hicken, Steven Garbett, Richard Boulton, Tammy Dennis which made Garden Tool Massacre (1998) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Garden Tool Massacre (1998)

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