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The Wedding (1976)

Movies Detail of The Wedding (1976)

✓ Title : The Wedding
✓ Original Title : O Casamento
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1976
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Arnaldo Jabor
✓ Writers : Arnaldo Jabor, Nelson Rodrigues
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Rosa Maria Penna, Fregolente, Adriana Prieto, Nelson Dantas, Cidinha Milan, Paulo Porto, Érico Vidal, Gianina Singulani, Mara Rúbia, Camila Amado

Synopsis of The Wedding (1976)

18-year-old Glorinha finds herself on the eve of her wedding when a series of revelations plague her and her circle of family and friends. Dr. Camarinha, friend of Sabino, his father, who is a a wealthy construction entrepreneur, says Glorinha's fiancé is homosexual. Glorinha, for his part, reveals to him that she had been a lover of his dead son, Antônioa year ago. Sabino reveals to Noemia, his secretary with whom he ends up having a sexual relationship, who had experienced a homosexual practice as a child and calls her by the name of his daughter. Noemia, in turn, Xavier's mistress, who lives with a leprous woman who has long since cared for, reveals to him that she no longer intends to be his mistress. Glorinha goes with her father to a deserted beach, where she makes insinuations that she loves him and, when kissed by her father, runs desperately and tells her mother that her father had tried to rape her. Xavier, in turn, assassinates Noemia in the office.

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Well, The Wedding (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Wedding (1976) itselft directed by Arnaldo Jabor and Starring by Rosa Maria Penna, Fregolente, Adriana Prieto, Nelson Dantas, Cidinha Milan, Paulo Porto, Érico Vidal, Gianina Singulani, Mara Rúbia, Camila Amado which made The Wedding (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Wedding (1976)

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