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Mac Daddy's Vegas Adventure (2017)

Movies Detail of Mac Daddy's Vegas Adventure (2017)

✓ Title : Mac Daddy's Vegas Adventure
✓ Release Date : June 17th, 2017
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Company : Fenix Pictures
✓ Cast : Sam Aotaki, C. Thomas Howell, Jacqui Holland

Synopsis of Mac Daddy's Vegas Adventure (2017)

After Mac Daddy decides to quit being an international ladies man, two of his best pupils (Diego and Damon), who have been trained by him in the arts of seduction, decide to take over. Damon and Diego take their game to Vegas to become international ladies men. But Damon ends up hitting on the wrong woman, and both Damon and Diego get involved with the most dangerous Italian Mafia in Vegas. Now Mac Daddy must come back into the game, to help save their lives.

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Mac Daddy's Vegas Adventure (2017)

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