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Happier Than Ever (1984)

Movies Detail of Happier Than Ever (1984)

✓ Title : Happier Than Ever
✓ Original Title : Nunca Fomos Tão Felizes
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1984
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Murilo Salles
✓ Writers : Jorge Durán, Murilo Salles, João Gilberto Noll, Alcione Araújo
✓ Companies : Salles & Salles, Cinefilmes, Embrafilme, Imacom Comunicação, Morena Films, Movi&Art, LC Barreto
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Roberto Bataglin, Ênio Santos, José Mayer, Susana Vieira, Cláudio Marzo, Marcus Vinicius, Meiry Vieira, Antônio Pompêo, Tonico Pereira

Synopsis of Happier Than Ever (1984)

During the military dictatorship, a political militant takes his son out of the boarding school, and puts him temporarily in a friend's luxury and empty apartment in Copacabana beach. The son knows very little about his father, and the latter cannot really explain his activities to his son, fearing for his security. So the young man stands alone in the huge apartment, waiting for the infrequent meetings with his father, without really knowing what's going on.

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Well, Happier Than Ever (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Happier Than Ever (1984) itselft directed by Murilo Salles and Starring by Roberto Bataglin, Ênio Santos, José Mayer, Susana Vieira, Cláudio Marzo, Marcus Vinicius, Meiry Vieira, Antônio Pompêo, Tonico Pereira which made Happier Than Ever (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Happier Than Ever (1984)

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