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One Step Behind (2005)

Movies Detail of One Step Behind (2005)

✓ Title : One Step Behind
✓ Original Title : Steget efter
✓ Release Date : June 25th, 2005
✓ Genres : Mystery, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 101 minutes
✓ Director : Birger Larsen
✓ Writers : Birger Larsen, Klas Abrahamsson, Michael Hjorth, Tomas Tivemark, Henning Mankell, Henning Mankell
✓ Companies : Film i Väst, Tre Vänner
✓ Countries : Sweden, Denmark
✓ Cast : Lasse Pettersson, Lars Melin, Kerstin Andersson, Peter Gantzler, Marie Richardson, Rolf Lassgård, Gustaf Hammarsten, Dan Bratt, Josefin Peterson, Christer Fant

Synopsis of One Step Behind (2005)

Shortly after police discovers the murder of three friends, police inspector Wallander finds his friend and colleague Svedberg dead. First, it is believed that Svedberg killed himself but Wallander soon discovers links between Svedberg, the three friends and a fourth person, a young woman in a mental hospital.

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Well, One Step Behind (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The One Step Behind (2005) itselft directed by Birger Larsen and Starring by Lasse Pettersson, Lars Melin, Kerstin Andersson, Peter Gantzler, Marie Richardson, Rolf Lassgård, Gustaf Hammarsten, Dan Bratt, Josefin Peterson, Christer Fant which made One Step Behind (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

One Step Behind (2005)

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