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Mi mejor enemigo (2005)

Movies Detail of Mi mejor enemigo (2005)

✓ Title : Mi mejor enemigo
✓ Release Date : May 5th, 2005
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Directors : Alex Bowen, Oscar Godoy, Gabriela Sobarzo
✓ Writers : Julio Rojas, Jorge Durán, Paula del Fierro, Fernando Labarca
✓ Company : Bowen Producciones
✓ Country : Chile
✓ Cast : Juan Pablo Miranda, Felipe Braun, Erto Pantoja, Jorge Román, Pablo Valledor, Miguel Dedovich, Nicolás Saavedra, Fernanda Urrejola, Víctor Montero, Andrés Olea

Synopsis of Mi mejor enemigo (2005)

After losing their bearings, a group of Chilean soldiers learns some lessons about their enemy's humanity in this dark comedy set during the 1970s war between Chile and Argentina. Digging in where they are, the troop soon discovers a nearby Argentinean platoon. Unsure how to handle the situation, the two groups start passing notes via a stray dog, and eventually achieve a wary camaraderie.

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Well, Mi mejor enemigo (2005) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mi mejor enemigo (2005) itselft directed by Alex Bowen, Oscar Godoy, Gabriela Sobarzo and Starring by Juan Pablo Miranda, Felipe Braun, Erto Pantoja, Jorge Román, Pablo Valledor, Miguel Dedovich, Nicolás Saavedra, Fernanda Urrejola, Víctor Montero, Andrés Olea which made Mi mejor enemigo (2005) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mi mejor enemigo (2005)

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