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The Long Road Home (1999)

Movies Detail of The Long Road Home (1999)

✓ Title : The Long Road Home
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1999
✓ Genres : Drama, Family
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Craig Clyde
✓ Writer : Craig Clyde
✓ Cast : Billy Oscar, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Sandra Shotwell, Michael Ansara, T.J. Lowther, Al Harrington, K. C. Clyde, Craig Clyde, Joyce Cohen, Tara Taylor

Synopsis of The Long Road Home (1999)

After his mother died, 12 year old Seth George (T.J. Lowther) goes to live with his grandparents on their farm. Grouchy old Murdock (Michael Ansara) is not very happy with the presence of his grandson and is rather hard on him. He was strongly opposed to the mixed marriage of his daughter and doesn't want to hear anything about Seth's Indian father who died a hero in Vietnam when Seth was still a baby. His grandmother (Sandra Shotwell) on the other hand was very fond of Seth but after a while she passes away. Seth also meets the charming yet sporting Annie Jacobs (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Seth struggles at the farm with his grumpy grandfather and strives to win Annie's heart at the same time.

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Well, The Long Road Home (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Long Road Home (1999) itselft directed by Craig Clyde and Starring by Billy Oscar, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Sandra Shotwell, Michael Ansara, T.J. Lowther, Al Harrington, K. C. Clyde, Craig Clyde, Joyce Cohen, Tara Taylor which made The Long Road Home (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Long Road Home (1999)

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