Movies Detail of Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
✓ Title : Battle of Westerplatte
✓ Original Title : Tajemnica Westerplatte
✓ Release Date : July 4th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, History, War
✓ Director : Pawel Chochlew
✓ Writer : Pawel Chochlew
✓ Companies : Consus, AG Group, Baltic Film Group, Film Media, Lightcraft, Mila Film, PAY Studio, Papryka i Synowie, Pleograf, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych
✓ Countries : Lithuania, Poland
✓ Cast : Marcin Krawczyk, Robert Zoledziewski, Jan Englert, Kazimierz Mazur jr, Borys Szyc, Piotr Adamczyk, Mirosław Baka, Mirosław Zbrojewicz, Przemyslaw Cypryanski, Michal Zebrowski
✓ Original Title : Tajemnica Westerplatte
✓ Release Date : July 4th, 2013
✓ Genres : Drama, History, War
✓ Director : Pawel Chochlew
✓ Writer : Pawel Chochlew
✓ Companies : Consus, AG Group, Baltic Film Group, Film Media, Lightcraft, Mila Film, PAY Studio, Papryka i Synowie, Pleograf, Wytwórnia Filmów Dokumentalnych i Fabularnych
✓ Countries : Lithuania, Poland
✓ Cast : Marcin Krawczyk, Robert Zoledziewski, Jan Englert, Kazimierz Mazur jr, Borys Szyc, Piotr Adamczyk, Mirosław Baka, Mirosław Zbrojewicz, Przemyslaw Cypryanski, Michal Zebrowski
Synopsis of Battle of Westerplatte (2013)
This harrowing war film is an epic dramatization of the first battle of World War II. The Battle of Westerplatte that began on 1 September 1939 will forever be remembered as the one that announced the beginning of the Second World War in Europe. Over one week, fewer than 200 Polish soldiers fought against heavy German bombardment and in the process came to symbolize the power of resistance. As the violence rages, a complex battle of a more personal nature plays out between two Polish commanders over how to best lead their men. Amid the bloodshed, they must ask themselves – should they fight until the last man standing or surrender in the face of overwhelming odds? What unfolds is a stirring exploration of the fight against the forces of tyranny.
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Well, Battle of Westerplatte (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Battle of Westerplatte (2013) itselft directed by Pawel Chochlew and Starring by Marcin Krawczyk, Robert Zoledziewski, Jan Englert, Kazimierz Mazur jr, Borys Szyc, Piotr Adamczyk, Mirosław Baka, Mirosław Zbrojewicz, Przemyslaw Cypryanski, Michal Zebrowski which made Battle of Westerplatte (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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