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Britain's Weirdest Phobias (2008)

Movies Detail of Britain's Weirdest Phobias (2008)

✓ Title : Britain's Weirdest Phobias
✓ Release Date : December 31st, 2008
✓ Genres : TV Movie, Documentary
✓ Runtime : 47 minutes
✓ Company : Landmark Films
✓ Country : United Kingdom
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Britain's Weirdest Phobias (2008)

The lives of people plagued by irrational fears and the journeys they take in the battle to overcome them. Therapist David Allison helps sufferers come to terms with their condition.

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Britain's Weirdest Phobias (2008)

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- Science fiction is similar to fantasy, except stories in this genre use scientific understanding to explain the universe that it takes place in. It generally includes or is centered on the presumed effects or ramifications of computers or machines; travel through space, time or alternate universes; alien life-forms; genetic engineering; or other such things. The science or technology used may or may not be very thoroughly elaborated on; stories whose scientific elements are reasonably detailed, well-researched and considered to be relatively plausible given current knowledge and technology are often referred to as hard science fiction.

Britain's Weirdest Phobias Ganzer Film Deutsch Anschauen - subgenre of fantasy that chronicles the tales of heroes in imaginary lands. Frequently, the protagonist is reluctant to be a champion, is of low or humble origin, and has royal ancestors or parents but does not know it. Though events are usually beyond their control, they are thrust into positions of great responsibility where their mettle is tested in a number of spiritual and physical challenges.

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Britain's Weirdest Phobias New Movie Trailer - A story about a monster, creature or mutant that terrorizes people. Usually, it fits into the horror genre, for instance, Mary Shelleys novel Frankenstein. Shelleys Frankenstein is often also considered the first science fiction story (biological science reanimating the dead), but it does present a monstrous "creature". Other clear Monster stories are of the creatures of the Vampire, the Ghoul, the Werewolf, the Zombie, etc. Beings such as that depicted in Karloffs The Mummy would also qualify.

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