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Kidon (2013)

Movies Detail of Kidon (2013)

✓ Title : Kidon
✓ Original Title : כידון
✓ Release Date : August 24th, 2013
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Emmanuel Naccache
✓ Writer : Emmanuel Naccache
✓ Companies : OCS, Topia Communications, United King Films, Rabinovich Film Fund Cinema Project, Cinémage, A Plus Image 3
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Sasson Gabai, Reymonde Amsallem, Kev Adams, Hippolyte Girardot, Elodie Hesme, Liron Levo, Shimrit Lustig, Haim Znati, Bar Refaeli, Tomer Sisley

Synopsis of Kidon (2013)

"Kidon" begins in the morning of the 18th of February 2010 in Tel-Aviv when the whole world wakes up discovering, on the front page of all the newspapers, pictures of the Mossad agents caught while killing Mahmoud al Mabhouh in Dubai a month earlier. It was the first time that simple security cameras of a hotel caught secret agents red-handed, what's more Israeli agents. But without doubt, the most surprised of all were the Mossad leaders who were the only ones to know for sure that the 3 men and the woman, whose faces were in all the newsrooms of the world, had nothing to do with them. From then on, a race against time is undertaken hoping to understand why everything is aiming at them.

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Well, Kidon (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Kidon (2013) itselft directed by Emmanuel Naccache and Starring by Sasson Gabai, Reymonde Amsallem, Kev Adams, Hippolyte Girardot, Elodie Hesme, Liron Levo, Shimrit Lustig, Haim Znati, Bar Refaeli, Tomer Sisley which made Kidon (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Kidon (2013)

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