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Emmanuelle y Carol (1978)

Movies Detail of Emmanuelle y Carol (1978)

✓ Title : Emmanuelle y Carol
✓ Release Date : October 18th, 1978
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Ignacio F. Iquino
✓ Company : IFI Producción S.A.
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Bernard Seray, Carlos Martos, Linda Lay, Raquel Evans, Antonio Sarrá, Antonio Mayans, Jennifer James, Belisa Bet, Patricia Becker, Mirna Bel

Synopsis of Emmanuelle y Carol (1978)

A young married couple seeks out erotic adventures.

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Well, Emmanuelle y Carol (1978) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Emmanuelle y Carol (1978) itselft directed by Ignacio F. Iquino and Starring by Bernard Seray, Carlos Martos, Linda Lay, Raquel Evans, Antonio Sarrá, Antonio Mayans, Jennifer James, Belisa Bet, Patricia Becker, Mirna Bel which made Emmanuelle y Carol (1978) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Emmanuelle y Carol (1978)

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