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Salt (2003)

Movies Detail of Salt (2003)

✓ Title : Salt
✓ Release Date : September 4th, 2003
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Bradley Rust Gray
✓ Writer : Bradley Rust Gray
✓ Companies : Soandbrad, Cut 'n' Paste
✓ Countries : United States of America, Iceland
✓ Cast : Melkorka Huldudóttir, Brynja Þóra Guðnadóttir, Svava Bjørnsdóttir, Davíð Örn Halldórsson

Synopsis of Salt (2003)

The film centers on the friendships and family life of a young girl, Hildur, who lives in a small fishing village on the East coast of Iceland.

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Well, Salt (2003) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Salt (2003) itselft directed by Bradley Rust Gray and Starring by Melkorka Huldudóttir, Brynja Þóra Guðnadóttir, Svava Bjørnsdóttir, Davíð Örn Halldórsson which made Salt (2003) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Salt (2003)

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